
Tuesday 24 September 2019


Name: Kade                           WALT: Use PARAGRAPHS                          Date:24/9/19

Subject of paragraph: Movies

Paragraph 1

I love movies and I think they are very cool. My favorite movies are the Harry Potter movies because some parts are funny and they are filled with action I just think they are so entertaining. Did you know there are 8 Harry Potter movies?
Paragraph 2

I like to eat popcorn with movies or chocolate, but you don't have to eat with movies at all.
It was the advent of movies with sound in 1927 that started making cinema accessible to the masses and they wanted to bring their snacks into the theatre with them. So, that's why people eat popcorn at the cinema. It's a simple, practical snack that people can enjoy and that cinema owners can make a large profit from.   

Paragraph 3

There are so many kinds of movies like comedy, romance, action, thrillers and horrors. My favorite kinds are comedies and romance. My least favorite are horrors. I think they are horrible! I hate them so much. Some people like them which is ok, but they aren't for me.
Thank you for reading my paragraph writing I hope you enjoyed it
 leave a comment and say your favorite movie.   

Friday 20 September 2019


This is My story about turtles. 

Once there was a turtle named Kade (he was so sad all the time)
Because of al the plastic straws! His best friend was so sick because he ate a straw.
(Kade lived in New Zealand) but Kade had know idea were his friend was he wanted to see him. 
I wonder where he could be? Kade sed. What I know what I could do I could use find my
Iphone he looked on his phone…

Mum were going to China to see my best friend! we started swimming as fast as we could!
We finally arrived at the turtle hospital. We ran up to the recovery room and run parest numbered room`s
we finally stopped at the I ran into the room and there he was I asked him if he wes ok? He side he was
ok I was so relieved he was ok!  About a month later they were at home better than ever The End.    

This is my story that I had to put as much punctuation that I could enjoy and lave a commend.

Wednesday 18 September 2019


By Kade

I think swimming is very important because what if they are at a friend's birthday
party at the beach and they are all swimming but you can't swim it  will not feel very good.
Or you might say that you can swim and could get very hurt so I think it's good to know how
to swim. And don't forget it's never too late to learn.  
This is my blog post about why I think swimming is important to know please enjoy and lave a comment.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene

WALT: understand what factors promote good sleep

Today we learnt about what factors help us to sleep well and what factors impede sleep.
We made a table to show what we had found.

Habits & behaviour to promote sleep
Habits & behaviour that hinder sleep
  • Drink milk before bed
  • Read before bed
  • Draw before bed
  • Listen to soft music
  • Relax and do something calming
  • Have the right lit room
  • Have a regular schedule for sleeping
  • Leave door open to let heat in
  • Have a shower or bath before bed (warm/hot)
  • Drinking caffene
  • Having a lot of light in your room
  • Using technology before bed
  • Full or empty stomach

I will now... Turn off my technology an hour before I go to bed.

What I learnt was... That there are certain things you should not do before bed

Watch this Youtube clip to learn more.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

The Church as pilgrim people

In room 1 we this is what we have been learning about please enjoy and leave a comment. 

Tuesday 10 September 2019

CCC visit

In room 1 we have been making a blog post about what we learned yesterday pleas enjoy and lave a comment. 

Monday 9 September 2019


In room 1 we have been posting a blog post about manners pleas enjoy and lave a comment.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Room 1´s trip to CCC office

This my blog post about Room 1ś CCC trip please enjoy and leav a comment.  

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Sleeping spaces

In room 1 we have been learning about sleeping spaces please enjoy and lave a comment. 

How to make cricket flour

We had to read a story titled 'Bugbix for Breakfast', which was about people eating bugs to save the world, slow down global warming etc. I have made a post about how to make Cricket powder! What can you do with this once you have made it? Well you can make bread with it, muffins, cakes, you name it! 


In room 1 we have been learning about dreams please enjoy and dont for get to comment
thank you.

Monday 2 September 2019


At NBC this weeks virtue is Just and in room 1 we have been posting slides about what it is  and dont forget to leave a comment thank you.